N . L . P

What is N . L . P

NLP is a self-development & Learning tool often used in Education to help Children To take control of their Learning Abilities, thoughts and emotions in order to help them build better Career, relationships, develop leadership skills and overcome negative thinking.

How can NLP help children learn?

  • NLP techniques shift the focus from simply memorizing information to developing fundamental sensory processes in order to embed learning into the sub-conscious mind, thus giving it far more longevity.
  • NLP methods include the use of visualization and metaphors which promote Easy & Enjoyable Learning.
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  • NLP tools can help children overcome any barriers they may have to learning. Techniques such as ‘Anchoring’ and the ‘Learning State’ can be used to help children deal with stress and improve concentration.
  • NLP tools have been shown to give students more confidence in their ability, which means they are happier to learn and thereby achieve better results.
  • With NLP teachers could stimulate different responses to situations and use these techniques to turn around a child’s negative mindset caused by, for example, bullying or a lack of confidence.

How is NLP used in the classroom?

Learning is defined as the process of obtaining knowledge. In order to obtain knowledge, children have to process information, And NLP deals specifically with the different ways in which they do this.